Princely as Baroda

I've waited a tad bit longer that usual to write of our visit to Baroda in April. It has become a pattern of sorts - of holding on to the precious precious memories of the last trip, keeping it swirling in the deepest of my heart, until a new journey comes close to becoming a…

FamJam in Goa

There are two kinds of drivers - the silent ones, who drive on with little more than a cursory hmph when you ask them to go a certain place & the explicit, communicative, talkative ones, because their job is one of being on the move with different people all the time, so either they can…

Layers of the Blue city and Beyond

Let's begin with the Beyond. Arriving into Jodhpur from Ranakpur by car, we made it to our (non-hotel) hotel, the Bal Samand Lake Palace just in time to see the sun set over the blue city enroute. At the reception, in the soft evening light that remained just after sunset, we were greeted by the…

Hoi An – the enchanting lantern city

There are days which pass by and are quickly forgotten because there is nothing different from the daily routine, but there are days which get etched in one's memory because they are different from the humdrum of daily life. In school, this was the opening sentence of every essay I ever wrote in an exam…

Taxi Talk!

I wandered lonely as a cloud ...* Oops, let's start again - I wandered together with the crowd Tried racing ahead and vowed To go find a cab to be work-bound Though honestly, it's always the other way round You don't choose the cab, the cab chooses you Since outside the station, they are far…

Bare Necessities

Jungle trips are my favourite. I am 28. Jungle trips are Nana's favourite. He is 80. Naani thoroughly enjoys them as well. She is 75. For the past couple of years , one, allbeit small family holiday a year is trying to be made a norm , by you-know-who. Since the 'youngest' of the lot,…